Water quality


To protect the quality of drinking water in the Province of Brescia, we carry out accurate daily checks on water to establish its suitability for consumption by assessing its physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. Specialised technicians carry out daily water sampling from wells and networks, analysing the samples in the laboratory.


The frequency and parameters analysed by the laboratory are established in the self-control plan and are based on the risk assessment of water quality, as required by the Water Safety Plans introduced by the current legislation D. Legislative Decree 18/2023 and subsequent amendments and additions, which we are gradually adopting to guarantee consumer health protection.

We would like to point out that some aqueducts are supplied by more than one source, the mixing of which in the network entails a variability in the characteristics of the water distributed depending on consumption; some of the parameters shown in the published analysis may therefore undergo changes over the season or over 24 hours.

The values on the water label for each municipality are the result of the latest available analyses. The individual values on the same label may come from different water samples, taken and analysed at different time intervals.

For the municipalities of the Trompia Valley, although AB has taken over as operator from June 1, 2023 having acquired the business unit of ASVT, the activities of verification and control of the distributed water are carried out in continuity by the previous operators (or the incumbents).

Find out the quality of your home water! Click on the interactive map of your municipality and you will find all available analyses.


Water Safety Plan

The Water Safety Plan (WSP) is a new approach to risk assessment and risk management that applies to every drinking water system to ensure the regular supply of water whose quality is suitable for human consumption.

Each WSP is drawn up by a specific multidisciplinary team, whose members are part of the company’s technical staff, supervising bodies (ATS, ARPA, and Local Authority Water Board) and research bodies (Università Milano Bicocca) and the municipalities who took part in the project.

Water Safety Plans of Acque Bresciane.

Find out more

Through PSAs we aim to raise awareness of the quality of the water we drink, our commitment to risk prevention and the safety of water systems. We believe in our work, if you believe in it too, turn on the tap: your home water is safe!

Discover the WSP infographic

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PSA di Acque Bresciane

Our numbers

4880 km

Length of aqueduct network


Inhabitants covered by PSA


Drinking water samples

97784000 mc

Drinking water taken per year for supply