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Acque Bresciane is confirmed as a leader in sustainability

With a double “AA” Acque Bresciane srl SB reinforces its sustainable mission by ranking among the “best performers” in the “Water Utilities” panorama. This is stated in the latest rating issued by Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A.*, one of the most authoritative rating companies and a leader in Europe in terms of number of non-financial corporate credit ratings.


Certification Top Employers Italy 2025 Acque Bresciane SB is Top Employer Italy 2025

Acque Bresciane is for the fourth consecutive year a Top Employers Italia certified company. The company, a benefit and entirely public, manages the water cycle in the province of Brescia, serving 113 municipalities and guaranteeing a quality service to approximately 695,000 inhabitants. The recognition is part of a broader sustainability strategy that focuses not only on the environment, but also on the social, cultural and individual spheres, translating into practice one of the claims implemented by Acque Bresciane in recent years: ‘every drop counts, every person counts’.


Integrated Budget 2023 unveiled

For the second year in a row, Acque Bresciane is among the Water World's companies most attentive to sustainability by voluntarily drawing up the Integrated Balance Sheet, that is, the tool that integrates information provided by the economic-financial balance sheet in a transparent way and data on concrete sustainability choices.


Convegno "Riuso delle acque depurate in agricoltura: sostenibilità e innovazione"

L'economia circolare applicata all'acqua in agricoltura: uno sguardo al presente per il futuro.Molti gli spunti e i dati emersi durante il convegno “Riuso delle acque in agricoltura: sostenibilità e innovazione” tenutosi a Corte Franca, promosso nell’ambito della rassegna “Walk to the future” di Water Alliance-Acque di Lombardia e organizzato da Acque Bresciane. 


Inaugurato il depuratore di Mairano

Work has been completed and the first lot of the new Mairano sewage treatment plant and related collector, which in the immediate term will serve only the town of Mairano, is close to start-up. The plant is located along Via Cesare Battisti, on an area of about 11,000 square meters, near the Molgora irrigation ditch.


Trebeschi Award, the inclusive city of youth

The fourth edition of the “Cesare Trebeschi: the art of the common good” Prize, reserved for secondary school students and named after the first citizen of Brescia who died in 2020, closed today with an awards ceremony at the Santa Giulia Auditorium.Fifteen participating classes, two also from the province of Bergamo, produced more than 50 works: videos, printed matter, and paintings that tell of the desire for a city that leaves no one behind.


Provaglio, Chiesa reservoir renovated

The Chiesa reservoir, Provaglio d'Iseo's main storage facility, was recently renovated both structurally and in terms of systems thanks to the intervention of Acque Bresciane.The works, which required an investment of €400,000, involved the masonry structures, technical rooms, storage tanks, as well as the electrical panels used for the command, control and management, measurement and quality control of the plants.


La Giornata dell'Acqua arriva a Darfo Boario Terme

The third edition of Water Day will be held in the Terme di Darfo Park in the Camonica Valley from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.A technical conference, children's workshops and more will take place in the setting of stands dedicated to water, exhibitions, food and wine offerings and music.Promoted by Acque Bresciane and ABCommunity, “Water is Life,” is an ideal opportunity to celebrate water, a vital resource.


In search of new water supplies

The search for new drinking water reserves by land and in the lake continues thanks to LakEMaging, the three-year research project co-financed by Acque Bresciane and led by the University of Milan.It is a similar operation to that of the Skytem dowsing helicopter, which flew over our territory with a huge radar last winter. This time, however, the technicians used a boat that can also reach protected areas, including the Sebino peat bogs, where the noise of the aircraft would have disturbed native fauna.


We are Top Employers 2024

Acque Bresciane is for the third consecutive year a Top Employers Italy certified company.
