Enviromental information

Regulatory reference: Legislative Decree March 14, 2013 no. 33 - art. 40 c.2

Sustainability, under the environmental, economic and social profiles, is one of the central themes of our daily activity and is a commitment inherent in the very DNA of the company; it is no coincidence that, although there is no regulatory obligation, we have decided to draw up sustainability reports since 2017, in the awareness that this tool can effectively contribute not only to transparent communication to citizens and various stakeholders, but also to reaffirm a coherent company policy on quality, environment and safety. We formalized this focus with our transformation into a benefit company in 2022.

Since then, in our Bylaws we have committed to zero cases of nonpotability in the municipalities we manage, recognizing everyone's right to this precious resource.

In the Certifications section you can see the Environmental Certification obtained according to UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and at this link you can find the procedure of identification and evaluation of environmental aspects.

Annually we prepare the Integrated Report within which we make available and searchable various data on environmental information including impact reports, water quality and risk management. The document is available in the dedicated section.